Monday, August 6, 2012

Lesson 6: Killing is not the answer.

That's all I hear today. A bear was killed because he wandered into his old home: Now overrun with humans. Twelve foxes died for one ugly fur coat. A snake or cow was bashed and beaten so he could be turned into a purse or car seat.  Wolves, who are "killing off" all the deer are being shot from helicopters.
Why are animals being killed for another animals personal needs?
I don't know why we call ourselves civilized. We wear other animals to look good, we slaughter animals, for fun, we steal another species milk, we horribly abuse animals for our entertainment, and we   lie, cheat, steal and murder.
The point is, killing seems to be a common thing today. Killing is NOT the answer. If only more people understood this!

"Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar. "
"The time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they look on the murder of men."
Leonardo Da Vinci

Lesson 5: Ignorance is not bliss.

All the past lessons have somewhat explained our nations denial and ignorance.
Lesson 5: Ignorance is NOT bliss. 
At least not for the animals.
A lot of people sit around and relax, eating veal or steak without considering how or where his meal was killed. And if we do consider it, we may hope it was done fast and easy. Why? We have been trained to not think about this. Most people know very little about animal abuse, puppy mills, factory farms, fur, or leather. And the farm folk of today will do anything to conceal the truth.
As I said in lesson three, teaching children the truth will benefit the adults of tomorrow. But, every year, millions of kids are handed sugar-coated pictures of the truth. They are coloring books, distributed by the National Dairy Council, showing pictures of happy young cows innocently grazing in a field. All the animals are happy and healthy. And that myth will be embedded in children's heads their whole lives - unless they are taught otherwise.
And what does ignorance do to the animals? Humans will slaughter animals more and more because the majority of us don't know what happens behind slaughterhouse walls.

Lesson 4: Trust no one.

The title says it all. Trust no one.
You can't trust a meat company that says their chickens come from Old McDonald's Farm, because in most cases, they come from dirty, dangerous factory farms. And you REALLY can't trust the National Dairy Council or USDA. Not even the Cancer Funds. The Dairy Council will tell you that milk is a  healthful food, made for human consumption. They don't tell you that milk increases cancer or heart attack risk... and they don't mention it is from a caged, abused mother cow who had almost eighteen baby cows taken from her in her lifetime. The Cancer and Heart Disease funds deny that a simple change in diet will save your life. The USDA pressures their staff to lie about meat, and they purposely change test results to save the big-time 'farmers' jobs. You may have never heard of casein because the dairy industry covers up the truth so well.
You see, it is all a race for money. Money money money. USDA denies a vegan diet because its bad for business. Trust no one, trust yourself.