Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lesson 3: Children

I'm a kid who cares about the future of other kids. Not an everyday sight. But everyone must understand that what our generation knows affects the future.
This lesson: Children.
What we want is a cruelty-free world. An animal-friendly world. But from what I see, we would need a major breakthrough in the next year or such.
When a girl sees a spider, they yell "KILL IT!" When a boy sees a dead possum, they poke and prod it.   Why? Because of our strange society. A lot of kids are taught that hunting is fun or fur is fashionable. Too many violent video games. Too many cruel fashion products. The adults are responsible for their kids growing up nice.
I have a story that sums up all of this. When I lived in Northglenn, I lived in a pretty mean neighborhood. The adults where ok, but the kids where patrolling the streets and flinging plastic all over. One day, I was walking my dog and I came across a group of girls messing with a large crawdad. I asked them what they were doing and they said they were taking the crawdad home to dissect. I told them every reason why they should not hurt the crawdad. I tried to move the crawdad. When I was trying to move him, they oldest girl, she, stepped on him! I heard a crack and his guts came gushing out! This girl was ROTTEN! TERRIBLE! SICK!  Then she picked him up by his legs and walked home, dropping the crawdad all the way. The stupid little monster didn't even consider how he felt!
It doesn't end. The girls with her were 9 and 6!
Parents. Teach your kids to be compassionate.

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