Saturday, December 1, 2012

Lesson 7: Establish Justice

Tailing on rumors, we have inaccurate and common stereotypes of not only animals, but races of humans as well. These are considerably well accepted, and the stereotype rarely stops because of larger individuals taking advantage of these misfortunes.
Lesson 7: Establish justice.

Ask someone what they think about a cow. Conforming to modern society, they will normally say MILK. This is an injustice to cows who are crippled and abused for the milk industry. Cows are not made for milk, they are made for being cows. Cows are actually very sweet, docile, and beautiful animals. Or pigs, who are actually friendly, neat, and intelligent, but commonly misguided as dirty, dumb and mean. Lastly, I personally know someone who has been discriminated for talking Russian in a store. This is injustice in a nation where there should be justice for all, regardless of race, gender or, ideally, species.
Injustice for another species is injustice for all.

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