Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lesson 8: Love to the unloved

I know multiple individuals, animals or children in school, who probably need more sympathy than most people think.
Lesson 8: Love to the unloved

All homeless animals and people need love, but today I will focus on a few kids, who most people think need no love at all. A few kids from my school, my grade, my class.
Abigail is a girl in my class who no one particularly likes. I don't truly mind her, aside from the fact that she is close-minded and doesn't think love is important. One discussion I overheard that really tugged at my heart was a "pretend" friend of hers who was talking how mean or strange Abby was. I heard that on FaceBook, Abby posted a "sad face" picture with a heading "Cried myself to sleep." Her friend said  that this was too much information, but wouldn't she have a reason for posting it? Maybe she wanted sympathy? Why did she cry herself to sleep?

I know two nice, funny girls named Carie and Shelby. What do they have in common? They both lost one of their parents.

I think that losing a loved one is one of the worst things that can happen to someone, and both of them grew up without one parent? Before Thanksgiving break, our Science teacher had us say what we were thankful for in life. Me, Shelby and Carie were the last three to go. Shelby said she was thankful for her mom, who had cared for her all her life while she didn't have a dad. I and Carie stared to tear up. Then carie, crying talked about how she was grateful for her dad, who had taken care of Carie and her sister when her mom committed sucide. Then, I, bawling, told how I was thankful for my parents who wholeheartedly supported my decisions. All the other girls came over to hug us, and then everyone was really crying. I give some extra care to both of them now.

At the beginning of the year, a girl named Angel asked to be friends. I said yes, and she would take me to her table and I would just sit there, sort of realizing the type of friends she had- the snottier, more inappropriate types. I never really hung out that much, and went back to my old friends. later, I heard about how she was manipulating people and being mean, but then I heard the reason why. She had been yelled at at her home, and her parents never really cared.

If we could just understand these people more, the world might be a better place.

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